CPU : Intel i-7 12700K
RAM : 84G
GPU : Nvidia Geforce 1060 super
OS : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
1. Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install gcc git make curl vim python3 python3.8-venv -y
2. Enroll github SSH Keys
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C <example@example.com>
$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...
put this string to github -> profile -> settings -> SSH and GPG Keys -> New SSH key
3. Clone this repo & change kernel to 6.0.0-nyx+
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:0dayResearchLab/msFuzz.git kAFL
cd kAFL
make deploy
4. Build the Windows VM Template
cd ~/kAFL
make deploy -- --tags examples,examples-template-windows
cd ./kafl/examples/templates/windows
make build
5. Import the template into Vagrant
make import
6. Import into libvirt
cd ../../windows_x86_64
make init
7. Run Fuzz
cd ~/kAFL
make env
cd kafl/examples/windows_x86_64/
mkdir -p bin/driver
cp ../../fuzzer/Utils/Harness_for_nyx.sys ./bin/driver
1. vi src/driver/vuln_test.c -> Change Symbolic Link Name / target sys ( Target Driver Name )
2. Qemu Booting
-> vagrant up --no-provision
3. Make Qemu Snapshot named 'ready_provision'
-> vagrant snapshot save --force 'ready_provision'
make target -> automatic loading the Driver to Qemu that located in bin/driver/target.sys & bin/driver/vuln_test.exe
make no_target -> automatic loading the Driver to Qemu that located in vuln_test.exe / call_stack.sys
make environment yourself
6. mkdir -p ./seed
7. ./run.sh
8. Show GUI
cd ~/kAFL
make env
cd kafl/examples/windows_x86_64/
kafl gui -w work
9. make revoke -> Revoke the Snapshot from fuzzed to Stage #3 ( 'ready_provison' )